Caudal Steroid Injection

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If you suffer from lower back or spine pain that radiates to your legs, you have numerous treatment options available to you. If you experience swelling or inflammation because of spinal stenosis, radiculopathy, sciatica and herniated discs, then it may be determined that a caudal steroid injection would be the most effective treatment. A caudal steroid injection can help reduce pain causing inflammation. In as little as one or two injections, a patient can feel noticeable improvements.

The Metropolitan Instutute of Pain is a leading provider of relief for back pain in Chicago City. If you’re suffering with chronic pain, contact us today to set up an appointment. Begin the process of receiving quality treatment that will help improve your quality of life.

What is a caudal injection?

A caudal injection is actually an injection into the lowest portion of the epidural space. A caudal steroid injection can help reduce lower back and leg pain caused by sciatica, herniated discs, bone spurs or other back problems. You have nerves that run from your spinal cord out to your back and legs. When one of those nerve “roots” (the end closest to your spinal cord) gets irritated and inflamed due to a damaged disc or other condition, it can cause back or leg pain. A steroid medication can help reduce the inflammation and alleviate the pain. It’s injected into your back, into the area between the membrane that contains the spinal fluid (the dura) and the thickest ligament between your vertebra. The caudal canal is below the lower end of the spinal cord.

How is a caudal injection performed?

First, you will lie on your abdomen on an x-ray table. Then, an intravenous medication to help you relax will be administered.

The doctor will numb an area of skin on your lower back, just above your buttocks, with a local anesthetic. Then, guided by an x-ray, he or she will:
The medicines then spread in the epidural and caudal spaces, thereby hopefully reducing nerve inflammation and pain.

Usually, the procedure takes less than 15 minutes and you can go home the same day.

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Their doctors include highly qualified practitioners who come from a range of backgrounds and bring with them a diversity of skills and special interests. They also have registered nurses on staff who are available to triage any urgent matters, and the administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills.
Their doctors include highly qualified practitioners who come from a range of backgrounds and bring with them a diversity of skills and special interests. They also have registered nurses on staff who are available to triage any urgent matters, and the administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills.
Their doctors include highly qualified practitioners who come from a range of backgrounds and bring with them a diversity of skills and special interests. They also have registered nurses on staff who are available to triage any urgent matters, and the administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills.
Their doctors include highly qualified practitioners who come from a range of backgrounds and bring with them a diversity of skills and special interests. They also have registered nurses on staff who are available to triage any urgent matters, and the administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills.
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