Knee Tendonitis

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What is Knee Tendonitis?

Knee Tendonitis, also known as Patellar Tendonitis or Jumper’s Knee, is an irritation and roughening of the patellar tendon, which leads to inflammation and pain of the knee. The patellar tendon gives you the ability to straighten your knee.

Tendonitis is often caused by overuse, specifically constant jumping or landing, hence the name Jumper’s Knee, and is often seen in athletes or those who are more prone to sports injuries.

Another cause of Knee Tendonitis is if the patella is not centered in the groove of the femur. This will result in wear and tear of the muscles and ligaments in the knee joint. Other causes include acute knee injuries and weak muscles.
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What are the symptoms of Knee Tendonitis?

The symptoms of Knee Tendonitis vary depending on the severity of the condition. The most common symptoms of Knee Tendonitis or Patellar Tendonitis include:
While Knee Tendonitis, or Jumper’s Knee, may seem like a minor knee injury, it must be treated in order to prevent it from getting worse. If left untreated, Knee Tendonitis may require surgery.

What do I do next?

The first step in treating Knee Tendonitis is to make an appointment to see a doctor who specializes in Sports Medicine and knee injuries for a diagnosis and to learn your treatment options.

Treatment for Knee Tendonitis varies greatly depending on the severity of the inflammation. For mild cases of Jumper’s Knee, simple methods such as the RICE Method: Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation, may be recommended. For moderate to severe cases of Jumper’s Knee treatment may include may include anti-inflammatory medication, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation programs and Injections for Pain Management.

Top Pain Doctors in West Loop

At the Metropolitan Institute of Pain, personalized pain treatment plans are designed for each individual patient by our expert pain doctors in West Loop. Once in the office, a pain specialist will examine you and check for tenderness, range of motion and numbness or weakness by assessing whether a nerve has been pinched.

MIP offers a wide variety of non-surgical pain treatments in Chicago including; Physical therapy, Facet injections and Trigger Point Injections.

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Their doctors include highly qualified practitioners who come from a range of backgrounds and bring with them a diversity of skills and special interests. They also have registered nurses on staff who are available to triage any urgent matters, and the administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills.
Their doctors include highly qualified practitioners who come from a range of backgrounds and bring with them a diversity of skills and special interests. They also have registered nurses on staff who are available to triage any urgent matters, and the administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills.
Their doctors include highly qualified practitioners who come from a range of backgrounds and bring with them a diversity of skills and special interests. They also have registered nurses on staff who are available to triage any urgent matters, and the administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills.
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