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Treatments Offered at The Metropolitan Institute of Pain

The Team at the Metropolitan Institute of Pain is dedicated to helping you find the most appropriate treatment plan for your pain condition or sports injury. Below is a list of the non-surgical treatment methods for pain relief available at the Metropolitan Institute of Pain. After meeting with an expert doctor, you will begin a customized treatment program and start on the road to relief!

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Non-Interventional Treatments

Interventional Treatments

Our team reviews each case to determine the best course of action and to develop a custom treatment plan tailored to meet your needs.

Non-Surgical Treatments

Inspiring Stories!

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Their doctors include highly qualified practitioners who come from a range of backgrounds and bring with them a diversity of skills and special interests. They also have registered nurses on staff who are available to triage any urgent matters, and the administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills.
Their doctors include highly qualified practitioners who come from a range of backgrounds and bring with them a diversity of skills and special interests. They also have registered nurses on staff who are available to triage any urgent matters, and the administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills.
Their doctors include highly qualified practitioners who come from a range of backgrounds and bring with them a diversity of skills and special interests. They also have registered nurses on staff who are available to triage any urgent matters, and the administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills.
Their doctors include highly qualified practitioners who come from a range of backgrounds and bring with them a diversity of skills and special interests. They also have registered nurses on staff who are available to triage any urgent matters, and the administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills.
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