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Quarantined with Low Back Pain? Try These 11 At-Home Exercises

If you’re one of the millions of Americans suffering from pain in the lower back, you aren’t alone. Past pregnancies, age, and repetitive injuries can all cause harm to that area of the body. In fact, lower back pain is one the top forms of chronic pain suffered by adults, but there are several exercises you can do to help alleviate this issue.

While the quarantine is keeping you from attending the gym, don’t let that become an excuse that ends up hurting your back. Check out these doctor-approved exercises that can be completed from home.


back pain


At-Home Exercises to Relieve Lower Back Pain

  1. Partial stomach crunches strengthen muscles in your back, as well as your stomach.
  2. Hamstring stretches alleviate tightness in muscles supporting your lower back.
  3. Wall sits can be easily performed while reading or watching television.
  4. Press-up back extensions extend and stretch your spine.
  5. The bird dog helps to stabilize the lower back during the movement of your limbs.
  6. Knee to chest exercises boost your leg strength.
  7. Pelvic tilts strengthen your pelvis and core muscles, taking pressure off of your spine.
  8. Glute bridges work muscles in your core, hips, and legs, as well as your lower back.
  9. Careful selection of a weightlifting program and proper technique can further strengthen and support your lower back.
  10. If you have access to a pool, swimming is an aerobic exercise that not only bolsters your cardiovascular system, but also removes weight from your back to avoid further straining or pain.
  11. Incorporating Pilates into your daily work-out routine allows you to stretch and strengthen the muscles in your back and abdominal core.


If lower back pain is impeding your ability to enjoy day-to-day life, the most effective way to improve your discomfort is also the easiest. This set of 11 exercises can be completed from the comfort of your own home.


Talk to a Medical Professional

If your back pain worsens, it may be time to talk to a medical professional. Metropolitan Institute of Pain can help you explore options for more immediate relief. Call us today for help with your chronic pain.